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Vladislav M.Zubok

Vladislav M. Zubok is Professor of International History at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is the author of A Failed Empire, Zhivago’s Children, and The Idea of Russia.

Sarah Bidgood and William C. Potter

US-Russian cooperation on nuclear nonproliferation has reached an inflection point. Policy makers in both capitals must now decide whether the risks posed by the spread of nuclear weapons are great enough to merit their renewed engagement—or whether the challenges in their bilateral relationship make it impossible to collaborate in this vital sphere.


Tim Anderson

Dr Tim Anderson is a writer and academic based in Sydney Australia. His most recent books are The Dirty War on Syria (2016) and Land and Livelihoods in Papua New Guinea (2015). He has written many dozens of academic articles on aid, regional integration and development in small island states, is a consultant to the UNDP on south-south cooperation and development strategy and has written extensively on Cuban medical cooperation in Timor-Leste and the South Pacific.

          By Danielle Allen


In this stirring manifesto, the renowned political theorist Allen argues that the United States’ woeful response to the COVID-19 pandemic must serve as a wake-up call for Americans to rebuild their public health infrastructure and renew their constitutional democracy.

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